Friday, January 26, 2007

murphy's law (not again!!!)

25 january 2006. NAIA airport.

CASE #1: mile long check-in queue + 13kg excess luggage + strict attendant = pissed-off passenger

action #1: beg - REJECTED
action #2: argue - REJECTED
action #3: hand carry an extra 3kg together with my 9kg baby and 6kg baby bag - REJECTED (9.5kg excess)
action #4: leave behind beloved roller blades + cry from frustration - ACCEPTED (6.5kg excess, free of charge)

CASE #2: delayed luggage

action #1: wait
action #2: file complaint
action #3: wait (again!) until the following day

CASE #3: lost video cam

action #1: frustration
action #2: file complaint - NO REPLY
action #3: nothing else to do but weep

Saturday, January 20, 2007

maybe it's just one of those days...


that's the ultimate truth. how many times have you heard this phrase? how many times did you ask yourself why it is so? and how many times did you ever wish to be able to run away from it all?

all you ever wanted is to be happy. but sometimes you will think that happiness is just not meant for you. that all you can do is to accept everything that life throws at you. and just hope that some days will be better than the rest, with that sweet little angel "watching over" you.